Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Believe….We Should EMBRACE Emotions, and NOT Fret the FUNKY

How many times have you wandered through your day(s) feeling “strange” , “out of sorts” , “can’t put-your-finger-on-it funky”? You watch the hours go by slowly, just counting the minutes until you can leave work or stop a dreaded task you are involved in, so you can “call it a day” and hop in the sack-pulling the covers over your head, hiding from the outside world until you can wake up to a new day refreshed and raring to go? Has this ever happened to you? If you think it hasn’t, you are fooling yourself and think you are successfully pulling the wool over the eyes of the rest of us. I truly believe that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US has experienced this “BLUE FUNK” at least once in a lifetime…it’s a natural human condition, after all, to feel other than 100% fantastic at least sometimes- RIGHT?
OK, here’s what I think. The issues we have the most Fear (and sometimes Joy) about are those things that need the quickest and longest attention. We are reticent about addressing them because we feel it will take too much time away from other things/people/jobs/responsibilities (god forbid we should feel that we deserve to take time for ourselves to think ABOUT ourselves) and addressing them may even put us in a “blue funk” and we never want to “go there” if we can help it. I wonder what would happen if each of us designated a part of one day each month or, better yet, each week to do just that….to take a close look at one or more of the following:
(1) What/who pushes your buttons? (2) What takes your breath away? (3) What gives you palpitations in your chest? (4) What brings on tears? (5) What brings on anxiety? (6) What makes you smile? (7) What makes you cry? (8) What makes you laugh? (9) If you could be ANYBODY else, Who would you be? (10) If you could DO anything else than what you are currently doing, What would you DO?
I venture to bet that by addressing ANY of the questions above, you will either love yourself and/or other(s) more or less; question yourself and/or other(s) more or less; look at life/job/responsibilities/moral dilemma(a), etc. more or less seriously; learn to laugh at yourself/others more or less; spend more or less on therapy and just plain look at life a whole lot differently. HOW COULD YOU NOT? It’s all LIFE and it’s ALL GOOD-or BAD…but at least, if you are fogging a mirror every day, it’s more than likely better than the alternative.
Embrace your emotions, Friends! And DON’T FRET the FUNKY!

Thanks for letting me share my time and thoughts with you . I invite you to check back with us soon to hear other words of wisdom on this site,

You are appreciated!
Laurie Jo

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