Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Are Your Childrens Special Gifts

We adults often forget we are not the only ones who are interested in the spiritual world. Recently I had a Mom bring her two young sons to me because they had begged their mom to let them have a past life reading to see if they had had any past lives together. Kudos to the mom and also kudos to the boys for being that interested and actually believing.

The boys were 13 and 9 years old. They were quite excited to hear what I could pick up for them. I found quite a few lives that they shared. One was a life where they were twin girls. Of course the 9 year old said, "OOO, I can't believe I was a girl." After I told him he had many lives as a girl, he accepted it. I saw many lives where they were together, lives when they were married to each other, lives when they were relatives, lives when they worked together, and lives when they were just friends. The nine year old wanted to know if he had ever been a knight. I couldn't see him in any life where he was a knight, but I did see his brother as one. He was quite disappointed until I told him I saw him in that same life as a metalworker who made the armour that his brother wore and the sword that he carried. He was thrilled to hear this. It seemed to make up for his not being a knight. It actually made them both happy, since the older boy loved the fact that he had been a knight.

It made me feel good that both boys were so interested in all I had to tell them. I was very impressed with their attention and the fact that they wanted to do this to begin with. I wish more children were this open to their spiritual life and on their spiritual journeys. There are great numbers of children here who are Indigos, Crystal children, Star children, Rainbow children, etc. These children have so very many talents of a spiritual nature, such as psychic abilities, telepathy, healing gifts, etc. and so often their parents don't understand and tell the children it is all in their imagination. It just confuses the children and makes them doubt themselves.

Thank heavens I realized this when my youngest daughter told me that the house where she had a sleepover the night before had a kindly spirit in the finished basement where the girls slept. His name was John and he was glad that she could see him. Or when her first boyfriend was killed on a motercycle. A few days after the accident, he came to my daughter to let her know that he would from then on be one of her guides. He also had a message for his mother although my daughter was not comfortable giving his mom the message since she didn't know her very well. She was afraid that his mom would think she was crazy. I was thrilled that she was not doubting her gifts.

My older daughter is also just as gifted in these things. They've both told me how glad they were to have me to talk to and understand.

If you know any children like this, support them. It's not their imagination. They are far beyond most adults in their abilities. I have heard it said that these children are born "cable ready" meaning they already have the talents needed to move on into the changes coming into the world soon. They are ready to help the world by using their gifts.

Thank you for letting me share this with you.

From Me 2 You Online,

Visit Bonnie's website at http://www.fromme2youonline.com/readers/Bonnie

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