Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Wagons and the Treasures They Hold!

We all know how the media (including the news at times) seems to think that the only way people should look is to be tall, thin and beautiful. Heaven forbid that a person, especially women, be five pounds over what the media's idea of the perfect body is. We also all know this is not reality. The only people who look like runway models are runway models and people who have health problems.

Small children often put their treasures or favorite things in a wagon and pull it with them wherever they go. (Yes, I am going to pull all this together.) I believe that our bodies are our wagons. Our bodies/wagons carry our spirit or higher self - our treasure. All of our wagons look differently. Some are different colors, some are different sizes, some may even have bigger tires. Some may look a little worn. With the help of a tattoo, some might even say "Radio Flyer". We can even change the size of our wagons if we so choose. Our Higher Self, though, is magnificently beautiful, radiant, and glowing. No make-up artist could ever compete with that kind of beauty. No air brush artist could ever come close to "fixing" a photo of your higher self (if indeed there could be such a photo).

One day as I was working in a gift-shop, a small group of people walked past the double doors. I noticed one lady who was extremely obese. For a micro-second I wanted to judge her and her size. Then I told myself that was only her wagon and she had chosen that wagon for this life at this particular time. All of a sudden, I saw her spirit, her perfect glowing spirit come out of her body, float to the doorway, smile and wave to me and float back into her wagon. I was dumbfounded. I had never seen anything like that happen before. But I knew that I had seen it. What a beautiful being she is!!! and to think that I might have missed it if I had judged the woman.

It's too bad we can't see that we are all these magnificent, beautiful, radiant beings. Don't look at the wagon, look for the beautiful treasures inside.

I am so grateful I had the chance to see that.

I am also grateful for you and the fact you are reading this now.

From Me 2 You Online,
Thank you.

1 comment:

Laurie Jo said...

Bonnie, this is FABULOUS! I love to take a close look at my treasures in my wagon and choose different ones each day to look at. After all, isn't that what makes us all unique in the way we respond to others and to our own emotions, frailties, highs and lows on a daily basis? thanks for this insight.